Nicholas F.


  • Age 63
  • Languages English, français, Italiano
Book Services

About Me

Expat Nationality


Expat for

25 years

I lived in Italy for

23 years

When friends/family visit I like to

The byzantine mosaics in the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe

What best describes you?


Favorite music/movies

Bach, Velvet Underground, Apocalypse Now

In my free time I like


General about

I read history at Cambridge and taught Engish in Bari southern Italy before returning to Britian to become a journalist. I was on the staff of the Telegraph for a decade mostly as a news feature writer before going to Paris in 1997 to write a book on the death of Princess Diana (Editions Lafon) and then coming to Italy to write a biography of Mussolini (Weidenfeld & Nicolson/Orion) which was translated into six languages.

For about 15 years in Italy, I was a columnist for the national daily newspaper Libero and the regional daily newspaper La Voce di Romagna. I am married to an Italian and we have six children aged six to 18.

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